Competition of scale models "Klaipeda 2024"

Klaipeda. 09 – 11. 08. 2024

I. The competition is organized by the modelers' club "Mikropasaulis - WMC".

II. Goals and objectives of the competition: - popularization of scale modeling as a hobby; - exchange of experience between modelers of different ages, attraction of new modelers; - presentation of Klaipeda and its environs.

III. Place and date of the competition. The competition will be held on 09 – 11 August 2024 in the hall of the Memel Fortress Museum

IV. Competition program:

09. 08. 2024.:

From 17.00 – arrival of participants, reception of models participating in the competition and exhibition.

10. 08. 2024.: 10.00-14.00 h. - reception of models participating in the competition and exhibition.

14.00-17.00 h. - evaluation of competition models.

10.00-17.00 h. - visiting the exhibition, selling model goods.

11. 08. 2024.:

9.00-14.00 h. - visiting the exhibition, selling model goods.

14.00 h. - announcement of results, awarding, closing of the competition and distribution of models.

V. Conditions of participation.

1. Individual modelers, communities of modelers and clubs can participate in the competition.

2. Filling out the starting card is the basis for participation in the competition and at the same time consent to the rules of the competition.

3. Models submitted to the competition must be made by the authors themselves.

4. Adult participants (senior) agree that their photos and those of their models may be used by the Organizers free of charge for statistical and marketing purposes only within the framework of the competition-related activities, including posting on the Organizers' websites  , in the organizers' personal Facebook sections in the form of photos and posts.

5. A representative of minor participants (children and adolescents) agrees that their photos and those of their models may be used by the Organizers free of charge for statistical and marketing purposes only within the framework of the competition-related activities, including posting on the Organizers' websites  , in the organizers' personal Facebook sections in the form of photos and posts.

6. The agreement referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 is temporary.

7. The Organizers guarantee that the photos of the participant (minor participant) will not be used in violation of the law.

8. We recommend registering models in advance electronically. The registration form will be provided later. This will facilitate the issuance of start cards at the competition site. Models can also be registered at the competition site before the start of the model evaluation (09-10.08.2024).

9. Those wishing to take part in a non-competitive exhibition and sell model products are kindly asked to contact the organizers no later than one week before the competition. After this deadline, the organizers do not guarantee a place.

10. A participant in the competition can submit an unlimited number of models in each category. Only one (best) model in each category will be included in the final protocol.

11. Only models made by the modeler himself from original publications, patterns downloaded from legal model pages, self-designed models, models from plastic kits and models built according to drawings are accepted for the competition. Documentation is not mandatory. The documentation contained in the publication or additional documentation confirming the changes and corrections made to the model may be submitted for the model.

12. Models are delivered to and picked up by the modelers themselves or their representatives. Models in the competition are not insured.

13. The competition will be held in the following age groups: Children (designate V1 in the card). Children under 9 years old, Children (designate V2 in the card) – 9-13 years old. Calculated by date of birth. Youth (designate J in the card) – 14-18 years old. Calculated by date of birth. Adults (designate S in the card) – over 18 years old. Calculated by date of birth.

14. The organizers reserve the right to combine similar categories if they do not have the required number of models or to allocate new categories if the required number of models for a new category is collected.

15. The competition in each age group and in each category is considered valid if at least 7 models from 4 different modelers are exhibited in it. If only models from 2 or 3 modelers are exhibited, the competition is considered valid, but only one model will be awarded. If only one modeler submits models, the competition is considered invalid, but even in this case the modeler can be awarded for a high-quality model.

VI. Classification of models.

Paper models:

Children under 9 years old (V1): models are not divided into categories and participate as one category.

Children from 9 to 13 years old (V2): compete in the following categories:

KA - aviation,

KL - ships and vessels,

KRT - wheeled vehicles,

KVT - tracked vehicles,

KF - figures and animals,

KP - architecture,

KX - other models not classified above.

Youth (J) compete in the following categories:

KA - 1 - aviation

KL - 1 - ships and vessels,
KRT - 1 - wheeled vehicles,
KVT - 1 - tracked vehicles,
KF - 1 - figures and animals,
KP - 1 - architecture,
KR - 1 - space and science fiction,
KX - 1 - other models not classified above.
Adults (S) compete in the following categories:
KAD - 2 - multi-wing aircraft and monoplanes before 1925,
KAM - 2 - propeller-driven aircraft after 1925,
KAR - 2 - jet aircraft,
KSr - 2 - rotary-wing aircraft,
KKVT - 2 - military tracked and half-tracked vehicles,
KKRT- 2 - military wheeled vehicles,
KCT - 2 - civilian tracked and wheeled vehicles
KGT - 2 - railway vehicles,
KA - 2 - artillery without an engine,
KL - 2 - ships and vessels,
KPL 2 - submarines,
KB - 2 - sailboats,
KF - 2 - figurines and animals,
KP - 2 - architecture,
KR - 2 - space and fantasy,
KX - 2 - other models not classified above.
Plastic models:
Children under 13 (V2): compete in the following categories:
PA - aviation,
PL - ships and vessels,
PA - land vehicles,
PX - other models not classified above.
Youth (J) compete in the following categories:
PA - 1 - propeller and rotary-wing aircraft,
PER - 1 - jet aircraft,
PL - 1 - ships and vessels,
PKT - 1 - military vehicles,
PCT - 1 - military vehicles,
PF - 1 - figures and animals,
PX - 1 - other models not classified above.
Adults (S) compete in the following categories:
PAM – 2 - propeller aircraft 72 scale and smaller
PAD – 2 - propeller aircraft 48 scale and larger
PAR – 2 - jet aircraft all scales
PSr – 2 - helicopters,
PKVT - 2 - military tracked and half-tracked vehicles,
PKRT- 2 - military wheeled vehicles,
PCT – 2 - civilian tracked vehicles,
PCR-2 - civilian wheeled vehicles
PCS-2 - sports cars
PA – 2 - artillery,
PL - 2 - ships and vessels
PP-2 - submarines
PF – 2 - figurines and animals,
PB-2 - busts
FF-2 - fantasy
PW-2 - Warhammer 4000
PX - 2 - other models not classified above.
DV – 3 - Children and Youth – without division
KD – 3 – Adults, cardboard dioramas,
PD – 3 – Adults, plastic dioramas
Note: these categories include both dismantled and unrealistically exhibited cardboard and plastic equipment!
Models according to drawings (without division into century groups):
OA – 4 – aviation,
OB – 4 – sailboats,
OL – 4 – ships and vessels,
OX – 4 - other, not classified above models.
Liet – models of Lithuanian military and civilian equipment, architecture. Models participating in other categories can also be submitted to this category. Models in this category are not divided into century groups.
VII. Evaluation and awarding:
1. The models submitted for the competition will be evaluated by the competition committee appointed by the Organizers. The evaluation is carried out according to the principle of “like/dislike” (“similar/not similar”). The work put in, the aesthetics of the model, the originality and purity of the work will be assessed. The verdict of the commission is final and cannot be appealed.
2. In the age groups Children and Youth, three nominations (medals, diplomas and prizes) are awarded in each category. In the age group Adults, three nominations (medals, diplomas and prizes (if possible)) are awarded in each category. Nominations are not distributed among the places.
3. The organizers allow model clubs, publishing houses, companies and individuals to establish special prizes.
VIII. Contacts:
Tomas Ūkanis Šis el.pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo šiukšlių. Jums reikia įgalinti JavaScript, kad peržiūrėti jį. +37067740921
Denis Sinelnikov Šis el.pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo šiukšlių. Jums reikia įgalinti JavaScript, kad peržiūrėti jį. +37067104486
Algimantas Galvele Šis el.pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo šiukšlių. Jums reikia įgalinti JavaScript, kad peržiūrėti jį. +37061124958